Our medical laboratory offers patient-oriented services with state-of-the-art analytical equipment to enable a complete diagnosis as well as preventive and therapeutic measures.
Our partner laboratory in the Medical Health Center is the Dr. Risch Group, an innovative, second-generation family-owned company. Over the last 50 years, the laboratory has developed into a leading partner in the field of laboratory medical diagnostics and today operates 14 networked laboratories and 8 collection centres in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. At our laboratory, we offer the full range of POCT analytics on site.
What we offer
Enzymes: ALAT, alk. phosphatase, amylase, ASAT, creatine kinase, GGT
Metabolites: bilirubin total, urea, creatinine, uric acid
Diabetes: glucose, haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C)
Proteins: CRP
Heart markers: Troponin I hs
Lipids: cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides
Electrolytes: potassium, chloride, sodium
Coagulation: Quick (INR), D-dimer
Urine: urine sticks
Rapid test on the spot: beta-hCG pregnancy test, Streptococcus, beta-hemolytic, group A
As a reliable partner for physicians, healthcare facilities and many other operators in the healthcare sector, the Dr. Risch Group helps to ensure the highest possible levels of patient care, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It provides laboratory medical services for hospitals and medical institutions with around 6,000 hospital beds and over 100 intensive care beds.
Dr. Risch’s integrated range of expertise includes the following fields: clinical chemistry, clinical immunology, medical genetics, pathology, haematology, medical microbiology, biobanking and studies.
Contact and consulation
Opening hoursMonday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: closed
Company broschure
+41 81 303 38 72