Support relaxation and relieve pain

Support Relaxation

60 minutes, CHF 350.–

Heart rate variability (HRV) measurement is used to measure and analyse the time interval between heartbeats to identify patterns in the variability. High HRV shows that the autonomous nervous system is flexible and adaptable. Low HRV can indicate that the autonomous nervous system is stressed or has difficulty adapting to change. The body’s reaction to everyday stresses can be measured over a period of 24 hours. The results can help you to improve your health over the long term.

Relieve Pain

50 Minuten, CHF 150.–

Mit dem Prehab Training werden körperliche Schwachstellen getestet. Die präventiven Prehab-Übungen beugen Verletzungen vor, korrigieren Dysfunktionen und optimieren Bewegungsabläufe. Unser Team von Physiotherapeuten coacht individuell und nutzt wissenschaftliche und erfahrungsbasierte Grundlagen, um die individuelle Problemstellung langfristig zu korrigieren.

50 minutes, CHF 200.–

Biomechanical running and gait analysis can be used to determine various causes of problems associated with excessive strain. Aches and pains can be addressed specifically on the basis of the individual’s medical history and on the measurement of pressure distribution of the foot when stationary and when moving. A change of shoe and/or use of appropriate insoles can help to minimise these issues.

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